Monday, August 7, 2017

Take a Peek at Our Week - Sports - W2: Down on the Farm!

Reflections from Sports Class

Week 2 - Art Class

We finished our second and final week of Summer School with safe, fun and creative activities. We exchanged members with other summer school classes, new members adapted to class quickly. Students got new experiences while have fun with their friends, we had a delightful week.

We focused on "Down on the farm" topic. We studied life of farmers and farm animals and farm products such as meat, milk, eggs, fruits, wool etc. We discussed gender names and differences of animals, for example; cow (female), bull (male) and calf (baby). Cow eats plants, it gives milk and meat.

Overall, we learned that farmers has a great role in our community and they are hard worker. We had cooking that related with our theme, pizza cooking. We used ingredients from farm such as vegetables, dairy and grains. It was so much fun to make our own pizza and it was delicious.


私たちは『農場』をテーマに、農場の人々や動物の生活、肉・牛乳・卵・果物・羊毛などの農場に関係した物について学習しました。いくつかの動物は性別によって呼び方が異なるため、雄雌のそれぞれの名前、そしてそれぞれの動物の違いを学びました。例えば、雌の牛は cow、雄は bull、子牛はcalf といいます。牛は牧草を食べ、私たち人間に牛乳と食肉を与えてくれます。


Pool time プールの時間

Art class had so much fun at the swimming time.

Art Lesson アートの時間

We made colorful, unique and beautiful artworks. We focused on 5 projects which were paper clay rose structure, wind chime, hand made photo frames, colored wood clay various flowers and pastel painting tree. While children tried to obey the given comments, they tried to use their imagination to produce unique masterpieces in every projects. 

They could made nice artworks even they had not think to accomplish at the first sight of example. Art is a unique work for artist and it lets people to give their own signature on artwork.



3-D Rose Structures

Wind Chime

Colored Wood Clay Various Flowers 色付き木粘土の花

Hand Made Photo Frames 写真立て